Webinar about the Guideline Development Tool (GDT) 13th February 2014, at 12:00 hrs – EST (Toronto time), 17:00 GMT

The GRADE working group and the Cochrane Applicability and Recommendations Methods Group (ARMG) are setting up a series of webinars to answer any kind of questions about the GRADE approach.

Speakers answering your questions will include Gordon Guyatt, Holger Schünemann, Elie Akl, Jan Brozek, among others. The webinars will take place monthly and will be recorded on BlackBoard Collaborate sessions from McMaster University.

The next session is on Thursday 13th February 2014 at 12:00 EST (Toronto time); 17:00 GMT

Speaker this month will be Jan Brozek and, among other questions, he'll be discussing about the GRADEpro software and the Guideline Development Tool (GDT). These are central features of DECIDE Work Package 6 (WP6) which is led by Universitätsklinikum Freiburg (DECIDE Partner 7). The objective of WP6 is to develop a toolkit for preparing and disseminating evidence-based recommendations using the DECIDE strategies developed in WPs 1-5, so participation in the webinar is strongly encouraged.

If you have any other question or topic about the GRADE approach (no matter if you consider it basic or advanced) please send it to: 


It is IMPORTANT that the subject of your e-mail reads:  Question for GRADE and Cochrane ARMG webinar

To join the session on 13th February, follow this link at the time the session begins:

Minor changes can occur, please stay connected for announcements on theGRADE working group Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/GRADE.WG ), website (http://www.gradeworkinggroup.org/news.htm#workshops) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/GRADE_WG)